Acupuncture stimulates multiple brain regions, affecting a wide scope of pain dimensions

26 Nov 2013

Tweet (NaturalNews) It’s odd that studies are being done to “prove” certain medical arts have positive effects even after they’ve proven beneficial over centuries. This seems to be the case with Traditional Chinese Medicine’s (TCM) and its most widely practiced methodology, acupuncture. A meta-analysis is an overarching analysis of several clinical or laboratory study results with a similar purpose or theme to determine the validity of a basic thread or foundation. The Kyung Hee University Acupuncture and Meridian Science Research Center in Seoul, Korea published the following study in March of 2013: “Inserting needles into the body: a meta-analysis of brain activity associated with acupuncture needle stimulation.” The researchers used 28 brain.

Banish allergies with acupuncture: Here’s how

19 Nov 2013

Tweet (NaturalNews) Allergic rhinitis, internal nasal mucous membrane inflammation, plagues many during seasons that vary according to location. Hay fever can kick in almost any time in some areas. It often exceeds the parameters of nasal inflammation and intense sneezing by irritating the eyes and sometimes the entire nervous system while creating a feverish feeling. It can be quite severe. The commonly prescribed and over-the-counter (OTC) allergy pharmaceuticals only make one feel dull and groggy or worse with the effort at simply masking symptoms. The underlying dynamic of the immune system’s rejecting a normally benign pollen with chronic inflammation remains a mystery to mainstream medicine. Austin, TX, is considered by.

Acupuncture and moxibustion greatly improve chances of pregnancy when IVF has failed: Study

12 Nov 2013

Tweet (NaturalNews) Most NaturalNews readers have anywhere from a vague understanding to a first-hand experience of acupuncture. But moxibustion needs to be explained a little. With moxibustion, heat is applied to acupuncture points instead of needles. The purpose is to move Qi or chi as needle stimulations do, but also to remove cold from one’s system. More details are available from source (1) below. In vitro fertilization is codified as IVF. In vitro refers to lab glass containers, usually petri dishes; in vivo is a reference to live whole organisms, from rats to humans. IVF takes an ova or ovum (egg or eggs) from an infertile woman’s ovaries, fertilizing it or them.

Acupuncture really works for lower back pain: Research

05 Nov 2013

Tweet (NaturalNews) A unique and not well known type of acupuncture in the Western world, motion style acupuncture treatment (MSAT), is used in Korea for lower back pain (LBP) or other musculoskeletal areas of pain that hinder movement. MSAT requires assisted motion of the affected area with acupuncture needles inserted in appropriate points. Acupuncture’s success for LBP has long been established. But comparing acupuncture’s ability to address acute lower back pain (aLBP) and improve mobility had not been compared to non-chiropractic western medical interventions. The Korean trial A Korean clinical trial was performed in 2011 titled: “Motion style acupuncture treatment (MSAT) for acute low back pain (aLBP) with severe disability:.

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